Amalia meet Zain, an older man of a culture and a religion different from hers. The heroine moves from an adolescent to a woman, finding out the meaning of love, passion, anger, jealousy, forgiveness and resignation. "Amalia" is also a tribute to all the women out there. A tribute to those who, in the name of love, give their soul and body and are willing to sacrifice and compromise for the man they love, but they also have the power to rise when they feel are betrayed, lied to, deceived in their expectations and, without any regrets, can start over.Even if it's a fiction, "Amalia" is the real story of each of us.
Un mozaic de sentimente născute dintr-o iubire fierbinte. O eroină care-și dezvăluie trăirile cu sinceritatea și nonșalanța de care numai o femeie greu încercată de dragoste este capabilă.